Are you a Trustee of a trust? Important Information, please read. The deadline for registration of non-taxable trusts with HMRC’s Trust Registration Service is fast approaching, immediate action may be required. When to register Trusts that are not taxable Non-taxable trusts that were created on or before 6th October 2020 The deadline for registrations is […]

Online service to improve Lasting Power of Attorney
People managing their loved ones’ affairs will find it easier to safeguard their finances and wellbeing by using a new online service which was launched in late July. This new innovative system will make a real and positive difference to people dealing with what can be an emotional and difficult process. Unveiled by the Office […]
Disputes over land: love thy neighbour
Disputes over ownership of strips of land between two properties are all too common, and usually arise from a mis-drawn boundary map and suchlike. However, a recent case in the Appeal Court resulted in the apparently farcical decision that two neighbours each possessed a valid registered title to the same strip of land 4 metres […]
Remote witnessing of Wills
The Government is to legalise the remote witnessing of wills – making it easier for people to record their final wishes during the coronavirus pandemic. These measures will give peace of mind to many that their last wishes can still be recorded during this challenging time, while continuing to protect the elderly and vulnerable. Currently, […]

Get your Lasting Power of Attorney set up
You will have seen lots of articles recommending that you plan for death by writing a will, but what happens if you become unable to make decisions for yourself whilst you are alive; either through illness or accident? Who will make decisions on your behalf and how will your finances be run? We don’t like […]
Online form makes it easier for separated parents to see their children
It will be quicker and easier for separated parents to apply to see their children thanks to a new online service launched by HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS). Our Rob Synnott said, “Undoubtedly this is an extremely difficult and stressful time for some parents, trying to arrange to see their children and hopefully this […]
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and social distancing. Am I still able to make a Will?
The answer to this question is yes, although we have had to change the way we take your instructions, so as to comply with the Government guidelines regarding social distancing. The usual procedure for making a Will is that you would make an appointment to call into the office to give us your instructions and […]
Fixed fee Tenancy Agreements
We often receive instructions from landlords who have not been aware of their obligations at the outset of a tenancy and have failed to comply in some way. Some of those obligations can be retrospectively complied with but some cannot, such as the obligation to serve a gas safety certificate on a tenant at the […]
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) and Furloughed Employees
Updated: 27/03/2020 On 20th March 2020, the Government announced measures to protect employers and employees under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). This funding will be open to all employers with a PAYE payroll scheme that was created and started on or before 28th February 2020, including charities. Employers can apply for grants (not loans) […]
Coronavirus Act 2020 – Effect on Possession Claims
After much discussion in the press the Coronavirus Act 2020 has now been introduced. In addition, the Government has announced that from the 27th March 2020 all ongoing possession actions are suspended. The effect of the suspension of current possession actions is that landlords will not be able to obtain possession orders against tenants for […]