Regulatory Information

Regulatory Information

Cornish Venning Chellews is the trading name of Cornish Venning Limited (CVC Solicitors).

Cornish Venning Ltd (CVC Solicitors) is a Limited Company registered in England & Wales (Company No 05270901).

Our registered office address is at: Unit N, Questmap Business Park, Longrock, Penzance, Cornwall, TR20 8AS.

Details of our offices can be found on the website.

Our VAT number is: 847037027.

A list of our Directors can be found on the website or is available from our registered office.

Cornish Venning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (No: 407689).

Cornish Venning Limited maintains Professional Indemnity Insurance in accordance with the rules of the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Details of the insurers are available from our registered office.